DNA Discoveries
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
38 episodes of DNA Discoveries since the first episode, which aired on July 18th, 2020.
Episode 5: Two Sisters Deliver a Birthday Surprise with Chera
August 17th, 2020 | 24 mins 13 secs
ancestry, biological, daughter, dna, family, father, half-sister, mother, reunion, story
Edward Looney interviews Chera who shares about her discovery of her half-sister and how they accidently surprised their biological father with the news on his birthday.
Episode 4: A Family Reunion Orchestrated by God with Kenny
August 10th, 2020 | 48 mins 32 secs
adoption, birthfamily, dna, family, reunion, story
Kenny was in his twenties and the first year of his marriage when after hearing a sermon at his church about family and identity that he knew he wanted to find his birth family. Little did he know that God already was working on the heart of his birth father. Kenny's story will fill the listener with wonder and awe.
Episode 3: I Was An Only Child Until I Found My Sisters with Penny Kinsey
August 4th, 2020 | 14 mins 15 secs
daughter, dna, family, father, mother, reunion, story
Penny Kinsey grew up as an only child until she discovered her biological father and his children.
Episode 2: My Mom and I are the Same Person with Tiffany Dean
July 27th, 2020 | 46 mins 8 secs
daughter, dna, family, mother, reunion, story
Tiffany Dean was separated from her mother at the age of two and later in her life she learned the name of her mother. A few months ago she decided to search for her mom. This is the story of a mother-daughter reunion.
Episode 1: My Dad and I are Inseparable with Annette Broussard Boyd
July 20th, 2020 | 50 mins 43 secs
23andme, ancestrydna, biologicalfather, dna, geneology, genetics
For most of her life, Annette Broussard Boyd called one man dad. Until they both did an ancestry test and she discovered she was not listed as his daughter. This led to a search for her biological father whom she discovered three months ago.
Introducing DNA Discoveries
July 18th, 2020 | 5 mins 5 secs
23andme, ancestrydna, dna, family, longlostrelatives, relatives, stories
Edward Looney introduces a new podcast about finding family through the popular dna test kits and looks forward to the many stories that will be shared by his guests.