Edward Looney
Host of DNA Discoveries
Edward Looney has hosted 33 Episodes.
Episode 20: Oscar's Search to Clarify Misinformation and Find His Grandpa
April 7th, 2023 | 39 mins 49 secs
Oscar shares his story about wanting to learn more about his grandfather. When parts of his mother's story didn't add up, he found his answers through an autosomal DNA test kit.
Episode 19: Robert's Two Sons Gifted Him a New Family
March 24th, 2023 | 43 mins 2 secs
Robert's DNA discovery and story of family is a thriller. He was told for many years about his father only to find out that wasn't the name of his father. But could it be that man was still his father, but he had assumed a different identity? It's a mystery that emerged after Robert's two sons gifted him autosomal dna test kits which gave him a new family.
Episode 18: Beth Found Her Answers, a Brother, and Family
February 24th, 2023 | 54 mins 38 secs
dnasearch, e
Beth was told lies from her mother about the name and identity of her father. With the help of an autosomal DNA test kid, Beth got closer to the answer, and one day, the greatest surprised happened, she matched with a brother. Her life has never been the same. This is Beth's story of finding family.
Episode 17: Beth Hired a Detective to Find Her Mom and Found Her Dad Through a DNA Test Kit
January 18th, 2023 | 38 mins 10 secs
adoption, autosomal tests
Today's episode is a joint episode with Beth and her biological dad. She shares her experience and disappointment in finding her birth mother but the great joy in finding her biological father after a few years of searching. Her dad shares how he reacted to and received the news that he had another child he didn't know about.
Episode 16: How Chrysta Bilton Processed Her Normal Family of 35+ Siblings
October 4th, 2022 | 52 mins 5 secs
book author, donor conceived
Chrysta Bilton recently penned her memoir titled "Normal Family: On Truth, Love, and How I Met My 35 Siblings" with Little, Brown and Company. She shares many stories of her life growing up and then the shocking realization that she had over 35 siblings from donor conception. At first resisting the new family, Chrysta eventually warms up to these siblings, who she now calls family.
Episode 15: The Adoption Story of David Scotton
September 6th, 2022 | 31 mins 32 secs
The adoption story of David Scotton will be told on the big screen on September 9th in the new movie Lifemark. In this episode, David shares how as an adoptee, he felt about his birth parents, and he recounts the story and emotions of meeting them for the first time. David's story isn't one of an autosomal DNA test kit, but I thought it was a story worth sharing on DNA Discoveries because of the tagline, Stories of Finding Family.
Episode 14: Annette Introduces Us to Her Papa
August 16th, 2022 | 43 mins 42 secs
In the first episode of DNA Discoveries, we met Annette and learned her story about finding her biological father. They forged a mother-father relationship, so much so, that Annette moved to be closer to him. Today on DNA Discoveries, Annette is back and she introduces us to her dad.
Episode 13: What Ken Learned About Himself When He Did a DNA Test
March 29th, 2022 | 44 mins 15 secs
adoption, dna, family, mother, son, story
Ken shares his adoption story on this episode of DNA Discoveries and reveals a shocking fact he didn't know until he began this process.
Episode 12: Mike's DNA Discovery in the 1990's, 2018, and still today
March 8th, 2022 | 30 mins 1 sec
23 and me, adoption, ancestry dna, biological dad, biological mom, dna, family, finding family, relatives, sister, stories
Mike knew from early on that he was adopted. Not knowing anything about his family health history, he looked for information about his biological family the old fashioned way in the 1990's. His discovery of information didn't stop then, because the technological advancements with DNA and its popularity, allowed him to discover much more in recent years.
Episode 11: Larecia is Making up for Lost Time after Finding Her Father
February 22nd, 2022 | 52 mins 51 secs
23 and me, ancestry dna, biological dad, discovering family, dna story, finding family, larecia bufford, npe
Larecia was on a quest to find her biological father. After many years, she finally found the answers she was looking for, and now is making up for lost time.
Episode 10: How Ed Found the Identity of His Biological Grandfather through Genetic Genealogy and Reading the CMs
January 25th, 2022 | 54 mins 41 secs
23andme, ancestrydna, biologicaldad, dna, family, findingfamily, relatives, stories
Ed had a passion for family genealogical research. He wanted to know everything about his family. When his father took a DNA test, a new mystery presented itself, and his passion for family research became genetic genealogy. Being quite the sleuth, Ed was able to identify his father's biological dad, and this new family welcomed both Ed and his dad into their clan.
Episode 9: Brandy's Struggle to Identify the Mystery Man in the Photo Years Later
October 5th, 2021 | 1 hr 29 secs
23andme, ancestrydna, biologicaldad, dna, family, findingfamily, relatives, sister, stories
Brandy learned at a young age her dad wasn't her dad, and that the mystery man in a vacation photo was her biological dad. She struggled to identify the man, but with lots of help and perseverance, she now knows his name and connected with a sister.
Episode 8: How Peter Connected with Relatives on His Dad's Biological Side and the Finding of a Bonus Cousin
September 21st, 2021 | 31 mins 29 secs
23andme, ancestrydna, dna, extendedfamily, father, findingfamily, son
In fifth grade, Peter had an unusual encounter at school and wondered who a mysterious family member was. Years later, he would discover family on his dad's biological side. His ancestry search took him even further to find a relative no one knew about.
Episode 7: The Ups and Downs of Kristi's Search for Family and the Blessings She Found Along the Way
September 7th, 2021 | 32 mins 4 secs
23andme, ancestrydna, birthfamily, dna, findingfamily
Kristi knew she was adopted and wanted to search for her birth parents. Her test yielded results which helped her find additional blessings along the way. Kristi shares the ups and downs of her search with us today.
New Episodes Beginning in September
August 26th, 2021 | 3 mins 28 secs
23andme, ancestrydna, dna, findingfamily
Have you discovered family through the DNA kits? Maybe it is time for you to share your story? DNA Discoveries is now recruiting new interviewees. Allow Edward Looney to help you tell your story with the rest of the world!
Episode 6: I Am Complete Because I Found My Dad with Nina Manzare
August 23rd, 2020 | 25 mins 58 secs
23andme, ancestry, biological, dad, daughter, dna, family, father, mother, myheritage, reunion, siblings, story
Nina Manzare was told at a young age that the man she called dad wasn't really her father. It wasn't until taking a DNA test that she confirmed that was true. Her search led her to discover half-siblings which paved the way to her becoming complete by finding her dad.